So, on the last Murder of Crows (found here), Lee and Niek talked about the second half of the Khadoran ADR roster. Having spoken about Butcher and Zerkova before, this time it was Harkevich's and Strakhov's turn, so, basically, the bottom of the ADR, and the two 'Casters that will most likely remain in the roster for a time.
Ignoring the f***ing disgrace that Harkevich is to the Motherland [that's how I feel, at the time of this writing], and because I also spoke about Harkevich's ADR options before, I have to say that I quite liked their Strakhov list. Follow me beyond the breach if you want to hear my thoughts on the matter.
So, first of all, here is their original list:
Main Specialists
Strakhov -6 Andrej Malakov 3
> Beast 09 11 > Spriggan 10
Nyss Hunters (max) 10 Kayazy Eliminators 3
w/ Valachev 2 Kayazy Eliminators 3
Great Bears of Gallowswood 5 Goblin Tinkerer 1
Greylord Ternion 4
Ironfang Pikemen (max) 8
w/ BD Officer & Standard 2
Koldun Lord 2
Ironfang Kovnik 2
War Dog 1
Goblin Tinkerer 1
Gorman di Wulfe 2
Madelyn Corbeau 2
Ogrun Bokur 3
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator 1
I've elaborated on the things I would prefer with Strakhov before (found here), and most of the things I would include are actually in this list. A lot of the main lists is dedicated to keeping Strakhov safe (Gorman, Ternion, War Dog, Bokur), which is a sensible prospect in and of itself. I also think that Strakhov greatly benefits from ADR because you can't stick everything he wants into his lists, and he can potentially screw really hard into a certain direction (anti-fire), but it isn't always sensible.
This is the part where 20 extra points show up.
The next thing is that I don't own all the models included in the original list, but since I can borrow them, who cares. This is what I would do:
Main Specialists
Strakhov -6 Andrej Malakov 3
> Ruin 10 > Spriggan 10
Nyss Hunters (max) 10 Kayazy Eliminators 3
w/ Valachev 2 Kayazy Eliminators 3
Great Bears of Gallowswood 5 Goblin Tinkerer 1
Iron Fang Pikemen (max) 8
w/ Officer & Standard 2
Greylord Outriders (min) 6
War Dog 1
Tactical Arsonist Corps 4
Gorman di Wulfe 2
Madelyn Corbeau 2
Ogrun Bokur 3
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator 1
Also, I propose that an Ogrun Bokur cliented to Valachev should be in-faction, too. That being said, I would replace Beast 09 with Ruin for reasons I mentioned on MoC #09 - Beast may have Murderous, but in any but the most extreme cases (Sorscha2 w/ Iron Flesh over a wall), I assume that a boostable MAT 10 Dispel club should be enough. Also, it's a point less, and Gobber Tinkers don't like him, so it's basically 2 extra points. Ruins abilities also imply to me that the Koldun Lord isn't absolutely necessary, and with that, I decided to swap the original Greylord Package with a min unit of Outriders for magic shotgun crowd control. And with the free points, I included a unit of TAC because... reasons. I've kept the Specialists the same because I think they're fine. My predilection for IFP with the basic UA frees me from having to use the IFK.
Out of all the changes, the TAC may be the most on the fence, and be replaced by A&H, because to make it a real firefighters (i.e. most of Legion) build, it would require Torch and AKs, but Gorman and the TAC should work, too. ;) The rest of the list theory remains as Lee and Niek explained.
And with that, until next time, farewell.
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