Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2016

WM/H's long 2015, Part 02 - The errata from the Khador PoV

   But first things first *ahem*...
   Thank you. I was referring the change that happened to Calandra's theme force, EE. But this is not an article to talk about salty Trollplayer tears (well, maybe it still will be). We're going to talk about what in the errata matters for Khador players. More after the break.

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016

WM/H's long 2015 - Part 01: Zerkova, Denial, and guns. Boostable guns.

   For the first article in this series, I'll try to understandably write down the realisations and thoughts which came from my games at ClogCon in Decembre. These will revolve around Zerkova, control, threat, and why it's a good idea to have a backup plan in case your opponent just ... backs up.
   That, and guns. Lots of guns.

More after the break.

Montag, 4. Januar 2016

Khador 2015, Part 20 - 2015 Wrap-up

Reusing Images? You don't say.
   Ahh, a wrap. Haven't done one of those in a long time (2013). And it actually kinda feels both right AND wrong to do one. My reason is the fact that, while 2015 is over from a timeschedule point of view - from a Steamroller PoV, it is not. This version of SR will last us longer than any other before, up to Lock and Load. As an intermediary, we'll be getting the "short-season" with the platoons et aliter, but there are no news on that yet.
   So there will be no break this time (I don't see the article ending up that long). Reviewing lists of this year is... semi-plausible, because I've been writing about my pZ/eZ lists a bunch, and haven't been playing that much. At ClogCon I played about 80% of all games played this year.

   I will keep revisiting the pZ/eZ list pair, but the degenerate Tryhard in me is itching to play some Irusk1 and/or Sorscha2 (which I am considering to have painted like eZ), potentially as pairs for eZ. So that's a New Year's Resolution, if you will. I probably won't have any opportunity to go to tournaments, though, what with becoming a father of two next year and all that that entails. I will have another child in May, which I'm really looking forward two, but it obviously and rightfully so takes priority over the hobby.
   But, assuming I get a decently paid job after the inevitable graduation, I will paint more stuff for sure. Just because you can't play doesn't mean you can't have any of the fun, right? And more painted models are better for everyone, anyway. I will probably be able to start the painting when I'm graduated. And then I've got to find a good job to provide better for my family. So painting will, most likely, still be sporadic and happening when openings provide themselves. But see also below.

   In order to keep this brief - it's 2016 already, after all - here's a few final bits:
a) The "Khador ****" series will "pause", in a way. The next installment will be the start of Khador "2016/17". Until then, you'll have to live with "WM's long 2015".
b) I hope to get a good chunk of games for M&tM s5 recorded in February. So that may actually be a thing. When I'm done with writing my thesis, I want to play and record games for M&tM s5 - that one's still on my to-do list. There may be opportunities during February, but it's still up in the air. Also, recording speed will likely be very slow - it's 20 unorthodox (i.e. non-Steamroller) games, 3 of which I already got, and most of the remaining need some special prep.
c) I could take pictures of the stuff I already painted and talk about those here. Hm. We'll see.

But until then, farewell,
have fun,
and all hail Ayn Vanar I, Empress of the Motherland.